
Google Books PDF Test: iPad Air 2, Again

Google Books PDF Test: iPad Air 2, Again

I made my first trip to the Apple Store that’s alllll the way of the west side of 14th Street.
It’s the least impressive of their stores, seeming like a hollowed-out multi-story garage.
Also, the men’s room was in terrible shape!
Here is the start time of when I tried to download the 290MB version of The American Magazine test PDF …
… and this is the time I gave up since it seemed no progress was being made:
I reallllly hope the day comes when some smug UI doofus at Apple has to download a massive PDF and has to sit there like a drooling putz not knowing if anything is actually happening during the alleged download!
Put a fucking Progress Bar in that shit, Apple!
And also Apple, get the hell over to the Best Buy on lower Broadway and swap out the damn demo model iPad Air and iPad Mini 2 for the new Air 2 and Mini 3.
Previously here:

